A Lifetime of Playing Risk

A Lifetime of Playing Risk

by Morganmason
(Major Command Risk Game Player and Blog Contributor)

playing risk game board

Playing Risk has always been one of the favorite games to play. I was introduced to it as a young adult at parties where groups of (mainly) guys would gather around a table for the evening while rock music blared and others danced, talked and laughed. I was quite fascinated, watching them roll dice and move groups of armies around on the board. I purchased my first Risk game at the thrift store. It was an ancient version with wooden cubes for soldiers – it would have been quite the collector’s item if I had held onto it over the years.

playing risk roman numeal pieces

I eventually married and raised four fantastic children. We read lots of books and played lots of games, and of course, playing Risk became a family favorite thing to do. By then, the colors on the board were a little brighter and the armies were plastic Roman numerals – I, III, V, and X. (Excellent opportunity to foster a kid’s interest in Roman numerals!) But it took a long, long time to play the game and for this reason, when it came time for family game time, Risk was often passed over and some inane game with shorter play time would be chosen.

And then came the advent of the computer age. Simple games, like pong, evolved, then Pac-Man and soon software was written for almost every game on the planet and more. Sometime after the turn of the century, somehow I came into possession of Risk on a CD disc. I don’t even remember how I got it and I’ve never found another since. It worked quite well on early Windows operating systems and will still work on my old PC. The beauty of playing Risk on the computer is that you no longer have to fool around with all those tiny armies, counting them out, picking them up, putting them down. And the game progressed at a much faster rate. Even better, the disc allowed you to play against the computer, so you could enjoy a game of Risk all by yourself.

Tournament Cup Trophy Gold playing riskA few years back, I was on an extended medical leave of absence and regularly passed the time by playing my computer Risk game. There was a tournament option – you had to win over twenty consecutive games to win the tournament, which I accomplished and more than once. Recently, just last month actually, and to my great delight, I came across MajorCommand.com. All I can say is, I’m glad I had all those years of practice. Although I’m just a newbie to the site, my current stats are 26-25, not a bad beginning, I think. It’s great playing with real people and, boy, you guys are good! So, playing Risk is still my favorite game to do.

Risk: Star Wars Edition Original Trilogy

Risk: Star Wars Edition

Review by Sonny Go
(Independent Game Reviewer)


Risk: Star Wars – With renewed vigor, the Star Wars franchise has re-entered modern pop culture. Star Wars merchandise is now hotter than ever with greater mainstream appeal due to its legendary status in pop culture. Perhaps it’s because of that, it’s worth looking at Risk: Star Wars Edition, a variant of Risk that takes place in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

If you’re in the mood for some Star Wars action after re-watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens for yet another time on Blu-ray and perhaps played a Star Wars video game or two, as well as having done some sweet moves with your lightsaber replica, then perhaps you’d like to give this Risk game a try. It gives a different perspective of Star Wars through the lens of strategy.



When Risk: Star Wars Edition came out in late 2006, the Star Wars franchise had gone through a shaky period courtesy of the prequel trilogy. However, it was still fresh enough in the minds of younger fans that a Star Wars board game wouldn’t really be amiss.

This is what happens when you combine two well-known names together, one being from science fiction and the other from strategy gaming. Both of them have since seen their own overhauls and introduced to a new generation of fans, so it seems that something with them together is a no-brainer.

Nine years later after this game came out, The Force Awakens premiered to an expectant public. That movie also rendered the extended universe no longer canon, so a good bit of the stuff you may see on this game may no longer be the “real thing.” But then again, if you’re a fan of what’s now known as the Star Wars Legends universe, then perhaps all is not lost with Risk: Star Wars Edition.

Rules and Features


Players can choose to control the Empire, the Rebel Alliance, or the Hutts. The first two are the main factions of the Galactic Civil War, while the latter is more of a neutral faction. Think of the Hutts as more of what stirs the pot and takes the leftovers in the grand conflict.

All the Empire wants is to take out the Rebel Alliance once and for all. All the Rebel Alliance wants is to assassinate the Emperor. Meanwhile, the Hutts want 10 out of the 13 resource planets on the map, which are also important to both the Empire and the Rebel Alliance. These are their respective objectives, which indeed puts them all at blows with each other.

Unlike in classic Risk, the units in each faction are unique, so you can differentiate between factions easily. The Rebel Alliance are in warm colors, the Empire is gray, and Hutts are green. There are also two Death Stars belonging to the Empire that protects planets controlled by that faction and can destroy other planets, which gives the Empire quite an advantage.

Cards also come into play. Faction-specific cards can make or break a game for players who are either trying to run with their advantage or hoping for a miracle. For instance, there are “Fire the Death Star” cards that Empire players would definitely want to draw and use, posing the greatest threat to the Rebel Alliance.


You can most likely figure out at this point that it’s not an even playing field. However, the objectives do serve to even things out–it does look harder to take out an entire faction than just a special target, and even easier to just take resources. This war is fought across planets, most of which should be familiar to Star Wars fans.

So the gist of it is the Empire is trying to destroy the whole Rebel Alliance, who are trying to survive while hoping against hope to kill the Emperor, all while the Hutts are just trying to get rich and be nuisances in the middle of the war. That does seem like a recipe for some good galactic fun.

Aside from having Death Stars and planets, Risk: Star Wars Edition is pretty much cast from the mold of classic Risk. For best results, make sure that you have five players to really get a galactic war going in all its strategic intricacy and diplomatic intrigue.



Risk: Star Wars is not a game you can play online. None of the online Risk game website will ever get the licence to carry the Star Wars name, which may be fine since the variants of playing Risk online can certainly compete the standard board game model. Maybe you’d even think that a Star Wars board game may be more of a novelty than anything else, but Risk: Star Wars Edition does indeed play well enough. If you’re into the more strategic aspects of the war between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, then this game is a perfect fit for that fascination. Whether you’re a hardcore Star Wars fan or a Risk fan, you may find this game to be an interesting experience indeed.



Some people ask about price, so I’ve added an Amazon link.
I’ve seen some used ones as low as $80 on Amazon if you click on the link.
Though $80 seems like a lot, even for a used game!

Risk StarCraft Strategy Game

Risk StarCraft

Review by Sonny Go
(Independent Game Reviewer)


Risk StarCraft Strategy Game – Whether you’re an enthusiast of either board games, video games, or even addicted to playing Risk online against a different opponent everyday, the strategy game genre has pretty much been a constant throughout the years. However, it’s not often that we see a strategy game from one medium jump to another, and that’s pretty much what happened with Risk StarCraft—two world-famous franchises combined in one board game.

It’s nothing new for Risk as variations and adaptations for it are everywhere at this point. This one was released by USAopoly on October 10, 2012, to a good bit of publicity, putting together Blizzard Entertainment’s beloved StarCraft franchise with the tabletop strategy of Risk. Moreover, this combines the original game from 1998 with the newer StarCraft II of 2010, thus being a more consolidated experience fit for fans of the series.

StarCraft Transition From PC to Board Game


Taking a computer strategy game like StarCraft and putting it into a board game format can be rather challenging, and some may even think it’s ill-advised, but it was made possible here in Risk StarCraft strategy game. This game is designed for 2 to 6 players and with three distinct gameplay modes, making for a fairly diverse gaming experience that can be shared with friends. There aren’t a lot of board games out there that have different gameplay modes, so this is a good way to try it out.

Similar to the computer game, you have a choice of three races, namely the Terran, Protoss, and Zerg. They have their own strengths and weaknesses that are familiar to the fans of Risk StarCraft strategy game. Terrans are humans with guns, tanks, and flying buildings; the Protoss are aliens with super advanced technology; the Zerg are insect-like and can multiply in great numbers to swarm their foes.

Risk StarCraft Game Pieces



Upon the foundations of classic Risk are additions and changes meant to get as close to the complex and dynamic gameplay of Star Craft as possible. You have planets instead of countries and sectors instead of continents to illustrate both the lore and scale of the StarCraft universe. In some of them, you can get mineral fields for rewards to help you along.

There are two hero units for every race who are major characters in StarCraft II. For the Terrans, there’s the rebel leader Jim Raynor and the new emperor Valerian Mengsk; for the Protoss, there’s the hierarch Artanis and the old but still capable Zeratul; for the Zerg, the Queen of Blades Kerrigan and her underlying Zagara. They all have unique abilities that can help with supporting regular units and directly damaging enemy forces, furthering your struggle for dominance.

Risk StarCraft Maps



There is a lot more involved in this game compared to classic Risk, which is kind of similar to the real StarCraft. Having more things to juggle all at once adds more dynamism to the gameplay, making it a more interesting experience. The selling point of being a board game in a space setting of an existing franchise isn’t the only thing going for this game, but it doesn’t hurt that it has the visual design and in-game universe that Star Craft has. This board game having the same depth in strategy would be what takes it even further.

However, it may be more than just a handful for most beginners, especially those who are not familiar with either classic Risk or StarCraft (and even so if it’s both). There are some things that some may find less than desirable in this game, like the random placement of mineral fields that can’t be planned for prior to a game. There are also some problems with unit team colors, like how Protoss pieces have yellow and orange units that seem to look alike.


Other than that, it plays well enough as a Risk board game. While the settings are indeed different, much of the logic behind the board is fairly similar. The worlds in this game are distinct, with a different number of entry points between each and various other elements that offer more contrast. Some worlds are easier to take than others, and some have more risk in being controlled at certain times in the game.

You also have achievements and rewards to keep you busy in between world invasions and defensive actions against other players. With 6 players spread throughout the board, things can indeed get chaotic and wild, which is indeed what this game was designed for.

Risk StarCraft Real Map



Overall build quality of the unit pieces is quite alright, although the colors may not be the most ideal. The design of the board and cards are well-done, sizable, and fairly comprehensible, which should save players from confusion. While big enough to be substantial, the materials aren’t too big as to take up too much space on the table. As for the visuals, they’re mostly straight out of the Star Craft game, thus they give this game a distinct look and feel that sets it apart from other Risk games, making it a good addition to any Risk and/or tabletop game library.

If you like the idea of a Risk game in a space setting, then Risk StarCraft may just be what you’re looking for. It may be a familiar setting with a lot of gamers out there, making it an attractive addition to a beloved fandom. While it’s far from perfect, it still accomplishes what its designers set out to do by combining two popular strategy game franchises into one package that can be enjoyed by a group of gamers.


Some people asked about price, so I’ve added a link to Amazon.

Game Clans Are Here

Risk Game Clans

Major Command Risk Game Clans

The game clans feature of Major Command Risk has largely been behind the scenes and only available to staff.  Well, no more.  We are opening it up to strategists and commanders.  We don’t have any huge plans for game clans just yet, but we just want to see what happens when they are public and open.  Is there enough demand for a formal clan league?  We will see.

What are the Game Clans about?

At the basic level, a clan is a group of players who are identified together.  They may be veterans, people from Ohio, real-time players, or just a group of guys and gals who want to dominate other players and clans.

Clans will get their own clan page and also their own private clan forum where only clan members can see and post.

There are two types of clans.  Social and Competitive.  If you are just looking for like-minded compatriots to hangout and play with, a social clan is for you.  If you are looking to be ‘on a team’ and compete, then you want a competitive clan.

You can be in multiple social clans at the same time, but only one competitive clan at the same time. Where do competitive clans compete?  I’m not sure yet!  This, like any new feature, is a test.  If a bunch of competitive clans form, then we can set up some sort of league.

Consider this a clan beta!

There may be bugs or issues with the clans as they have not been extensively tested.  Please let us know of any issues at first.  You can also let us know of feature requests, but they may not be a priority.

Requirements to start a clan!

To start a social or competitive clan you will need the follow:

  • Commander class.  (Strategist can join, but not start clans)
  • Four members minimum to start.  These members must have agreed to join prior to application.
  • A clan name, insignia and banner (details in the link below)

If you can pull those together, click this link to get started.  All clans must be approved by the Clan Director… which for now is me, Badorties.  If you have any questions, just ask in our forums.

Risk Game – The Honor Points system

Major Command Risk Honor Points

Risk Game Honor Points

So a feature that hasn’t gotten a lot of attention is the Honor system which is rating you by honor points. You can find the number of your honor points on your Major Command profile. It is designed to be a score how you play in terms of your behavior. It should highlight honorable Risk players and warn of dishonorable players. That’s how it’s supposed to work, but in order to really test it, we need to put it through its paces.
So watch the video below describing how it works and how to use it. Then get on rating!

Your honor points are calculated like this. The first number is the percentage of honorable votes. The second number is the total number of votes, honorable or dishonorable. So a score of 80 (17) means 17 people have rated you, 80% of them were honorable. Any questions, just ask. There is also a few threads in the forum about it.