So You’re a Gamer?

So You’re a Gamer?

Originally published on Aug 16th 2016

If you’re reading this then you probably love the thrill of killing, maiming, beating or conquering things in your game of choice, probably against an AI game engine. Do you get tired of beating that computer opponent so easily? Well, what about playing against another human being or several at the same time? It’s so much better! I have always preferred the conquer games like Risk Online which offer head to head, real time or more casual timed turns, against real people with all their differences which no AI can imitate. Playing against live opponents gives you the chance to chat with other players in the game, especially useful when playing multi player team games (doubles, triples even 12 players versus another 12 players).

Many sites where you can Play Risk Online may offer in game chat and forums which also provides the chance to pick up good tips and strategies to make you a better player. is one such site of Risk Online and in my humble opinion the best out there. It offers all the above options in addition to an email function within the site. Another awesome feature is the unique Rank and Medals structure which really helps to gauge how well you’re doing against all other players within the site. If you like the idea of playing tournaments against the best players, you will not be disappointed and the rewards of winning tourneys are outstanding. By the way, did I mention that this is not your Dad’s Risk Game? This Online Risk Game offers 24 different games maps with more added all the time.

Perhaps best of all, you can play Risk Online Free immediately at no cost to you EVER. That’s right. Free forever. Of course, like most of the members, after you try it out and become hopelessly addicted (LOL) you will want to upgrade to a premium membership which offers more of the ‘bells and whistles’. Two different paid plans, $4.95US or $9.95US, offer several enhancements to the unpaid membership. Many members start with the unpaid version to give it a try and then upgrade within a week … it’s that good!
Sound like it’s for you? I have been a member since March 2016 and highly recommend it. With the free version, there is no financial commitment so its “risk free” if you will pardon the pun. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and give it a shot. Tell them Redstorm sent you and good hunting!

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