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Risk Game Blog

Here you will find Personal Stories written by players like you, Expert player Tips and Strategies, Official RISK Board Game Reviews, Major Command Gaming Website Update Info, and other Useful Information to help you win more RISK games, and have more fun! Just browse through any of our RISK game blogs below, and start enjoying!

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    • 1vs1 Tournament: Why is it Popular and Why do People Hate it!?
      The 1 vs 1 tournament is loved, hated, and debated.  Why do people play it?  For many reasons: some love the number of quicker games it offers some love the speed at which the tourneys start some love the fact they will get to play higher ranking players that they would not normally get the opportunity to play and take their points knowing they are unlikely to win the tournament. They still effectively win by only winning one game. Why do people hate it?  A less psychological strategy is required and more reliant on luck/odds, whether that [continue read more…]
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    • Playing Risk on Major Command after 5 years
      Why am I still playing Risk on this site after 5 years? by JCUK   Well it all began in 1996… just kidding, that’s how I started my first blog on Major Command. I just read that blog from 2017 back and it and had a little chuckle to myself. I thought it would be interesting for someone to read by first blog and then my views a few years later to see how my outlook has changed, if at all. Even I’m not 100% sure as I am penning this now. My initial thoughts are that Major Command has changed a little, either that or I have, maybe a [continue read more…]
    • RISK Game High ScoreTh-child Retiring at the Top of the Scoreboard
      Happy Retirement to a Great Player! Today we wish a happy retirement to a cornerstone of the Major Command team, th-child! Th-child Posted his Official Announcement in the Forum: Click Here To Read It th-child has dominated the top of the scoreboard for countless months, and was an integral part of Major Command, both in front and behind the scenes. If anyone has ever played against him, you would know that th-child and dorcee were an unstoppable team. I know I got my butt kicked by them many times!! My Pitiful Record Against th-child! [continue read more…]
    • RISK: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition
        RISK: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition Review by Sonny Go     J.R.R. Tolkien’s masterwork was turned into a film trilogy that is now the standard in the high fantasy genre cinema, and it spawned plenty of crossovers and adaptations. The classic strategy board game RISK was no less different, and that is how RISK: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition came to be. At last, fans of either franchises can now partake in the epic battles between good and evil depicted in the books and the films. Whether you read the books [continue read more…]
    • I am the game of Risk Online
      10 Commandments of Risk Online by Redstorm (Major Command Risk Game Player and Blog Contributor) NOTE: This article is purely for fun with no intent to offend anyone’s religion. 1. I am the game of Risk Online. You shall place no other gods before me. Well, when you hope and pray that the dice will be good, just exactly who are you asking for help? The dice, Zeus, Mighty Mouse and even, yes, God have all passed my lips when I really need that roll. My good luck charm probably fits in this category since it hangs right above my monitor. I do [continue read more…]
    • The Psychology Behind Playing RISK
      The Psychology Behind RISK A short post for the community corner: by JCUK The psychology behind playing RISK, the seen but not spoken…. RISK is a game of diplomacy, strength and threat. Not always obvious and sometimes people don’t see what is happening until it is too late. The best RISK players apply all elements of this strategy to best affect knowing which to apply and when. There are many players that discuss strategy such as ‘be every where and no where’ etc. What is never really discussed is the psychology behind [continue read more…]
    • Thanks for Everything
      “Thanks for everything” by ChefSmitty (Long Time Major Command Risk Game Player and Valued Contributor)   “Thanks For Everything” is a message that was posted in the Private Support section of our Forums. ChefSmitty has graciously allowed us to share it with you.Originally posted in the forum on September 4, 2014 Howdy Sheriff, I guess with the new regime taking over I feel the need to express my story to you guys, Sheriff or whoever might follow up on this. I work in the food service industry. and I’m sure [continue read more…]
    • A Risk Game Player’s Mask
      A Player’s Mask by Redstorm (Online Risk Game Player and Blog Contributor) Being online allows for being anonymous which just begs for the imagination to soar.  You can portray yourself as anyone or anything you wish to be.  This phenomenon is especially useful when playing games online.  Something about competing without our normal societal standards at risk seems to bring out some real definable characters.  We all wear some or all of them, even when not online, as we aspire to impress or deceive or give false praise…. whatever it may be.  [continue read more…]
    • A Risk Game Prayer
      A RISKY PRAYER by Redstorm (Major Command Game Player and Risk Blog Contributor) As I lay down my busy head Perched atop my comfy bed I think about the current game The one that surely will give me fame Did I make the very best play Or was there really a better way Ah well, I must truly dare To offer the RISKGODS this little prayer by Redstorm [continue read more…]


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Community Corner

Personal Stories, Experiences, Ideas, Tips Tricks Strategies, and other Musings from real Major Command RISK Game Players just like you.

Major Command RISK Board Game Reviews

Here you will find reviews on a vast selection of official RISK board games. Whether it’s Captain America, Halo, or Star Wars, there’s something for you.

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82 thoughts on “Major Command Official Blog Homepage”

  1. Yo- you guys need to create an awol button so people can opt out. I’m tired of waiting 5 minutes every turn when people walk away. Let us opt out rather than just walk out.

  2. Hi folks,

    Would it be an idea the make people automatically loose the game when they miss their first (1) turn in 2 player games… it is a horrible strategy and when it is not a strategy.. well.. if you miss the first day at work you will get fired.. if you miss a first date… you don’t get a kiss… how people manage to miss their first round i don’t get…

    kind regards, Buddy

  3. Hello Im would like to find out what is up with my diplomacy score I broke a treaty 11 days ago, and my diplomacy score went from 1000 to 160, seems a little harsh to me, is there anything that can be done to correct it, as it should of only dropped by 30 …. NO?

  4. Hello is there anyone left running this site …. I can see to log onto the forums, and Im having issues with my diplomacy tab, as in it wont allow me to use the drop downs to pick the countries Id like a truce with, the first is blank, and the second just says all

  5. i am NOT able to cash in cards.. when i click on a card NOTHING HAPPENS.. no green check mark.. no nothing.. i know how it is SUPPOSED to work.. but no matter what i do i cannot get ANY card to give me a green check mark.. TOTAL BS… otherwise i love this site and how it works.. i WISH i could at least play with NO CARDS.. which would remove one level of luck and make it more skill based.. HELP..!!!

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