Major Command Needs Online Assistant

Online Assistant – volunteer

Last month Major Command Risk game has been just released out online. Since opening our door, active users count has grown some 400% and over. Our staff and volunteers count has grown … well, not much at all. That’s why we are calling for volunteers to step and help us to improve the most reliable strategy gaming site on the web. Please, if you are up for the task then let us know. Here are the current available positions:


An important position to the community of Major Command, as a dispatcher you will be in charge of maintaining the queue and dispatch system. You need to have your ear to the ground and be able to highlight events, threads, and other ongoings that the Major Command public may be hungry for. You will also have to craft appealing dispatch images so some photoshop or image editing skills are desired. We are looking for one single person for this position and you would be entitled to Commander Class for as long as you serve as Dispatcher. Please contact Badorties if you are interested.

Risk Strategy Game Online Assistant Ambassador


We need able bodies to join the Embassy and be the friendly face for new recruits and the curious public. Your duties will be to respond to public and private requests for information as well as organize and assist public events, such as Survivor games and other activities in the forum and around the site. You will be on the front lines in the battle for morale! Membership entitles you to free Commander class as long as you actively serve the Embassy. Contact Badorties if you are interested.

Risk game Tournament Organizer

Tournament Organizers

Be part of the small but growing tournament system here at Major Command. We need honorable men and women to create and run tournaments using our own tourney system. You will also be providing feedback and suggestions on the future of the tournament system. Tournaments are going to be a big part of Major Command’s future, especially when you can win real money, so we need creative and eager Tournament Organizers today! Please contact Incandenza if you are interested.

Major Command Logo Online Assistant

The Wiki Bar

Join us jaded and oft-drunken writers in filling out and crafting the home of Major Command Risk. The wiki is an important resource here and we need those skilled with the pen and mind to bring it to its full potential. You will be responsible for creating and maintaining content in the wiki. If you have a desire to record the life of Major Command, please contact KungFuDuet.

Thank you to all your volunteer work and for making Major Command the best place to play Risk online free.

3 thoughts on “Major Command Needs Online Assistant”

  1. I might be interested in taking a job of some sort. I have some Photoshop experience with photos, and come here often. Dunno what exactly is wanted or needed, so I’ll be here.

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