Risk Game Database Upgrade
We are planning another very important Risk game database upgrade. To avoid the risk of gameplay breakdowns this time, all the fixes will be happening behind the scenes and will not be noticed by players, except in the address bar after the game database upgrade.
Most improvements will revolve around redistributing the daily tasks so that the server processes don’t all work at the same time. The rest of the update involves the URL structure of the website. There should not be any noticeable difference in gameplay, but it does clean up the code considerably and allows us to integrate better in the future.
One significant difference you may notice is a change in our URL structure after the game database upgrade.
Previously the Games and Tournaments URLs looked like this:
This will now be cleaned up to look like:
We have also removed our subdomains, in exchange for a more canonical URLs.
it will now be looking like this:
This may cause some dead links in our forum and elsewhere in the site, but we will spend the next little while cleaning it all up.
Adding New Medals To Risk Game
As always, we are adding some more fun stuff. This time, it will be Medal for Fivers and Sixers. And they WILL be awarded retroactively!
Awesome! I like the look of the silver sixers I will be getting.
Why do you guys keep making new medals for Cardinalsrules? π
Don’t worry. We’ve got one for you next, and TheGeneral after that π
Because he has all the others?
But i do believe I will get more 6’ers than he gets on this one. I will finally have something he doesn’t. Woo hoo
Hong Kong, Singapore and Perth is @ GMT +8
Thank you!
Looks like there’s more than HK and Perth out of whack. I’ll fix that next.