Major Game Upgrade, More Medals – March (Milestone 6)

Major Command Game Upgrade

Game Upgrade: Risk game database code improvement, more medals release, new Singles Medals, new Rank Medals, and another important upgrade to the game. This will be an exciting month when it comes to improvements. Besides all the usual maintenance and fixes we constantly do, We have two new and one exciting updates worth mentioning.

1. Code Improvement

Marcos has discovered some code that has been unnecessarily using vast amounts of resources. He has proposed a 4 step solution to cleaning up the code and reducing server load. The First stage, and probably the most important, will be dealt with during this upgrade! Yay! ๐Ÿ™‚ Further stages to make the code even more efficient will be implemented in future upgrades. Needless to say, I am excited that this resource hog was found and is being fixed!

2. More Medals Release

MORE MEDALS! As always, we are adding some more fun stuff. This time, it will be Medals for SINGLES and higher RANK Medals! Remember to check the Wiki for qualification and to see what you might be missing.

3. New Singles Medals

We have 2563 new Singles medals ready to hand out. Will you be one of the lucky skilled players to get one? Check your RECON TAB after the update!

Risk game upgrade Singles Bronze medalRisk game upgrade Singles Silver medalRisk game upgrade Singles Gold medalRisk game upgrade Singles Onyx medal

4. New Rank Medals

We also have new Rank Medals to complete the higher end ranks!

Note to all troopers (players): The Ranks Medals will only be retroactively awarded for the Highest Score you achieved since October 17, 2014, we did not keep track of High Scores prior to that date. However, we think we found a way to determine your highest score prior to October 2014, but that algorithm won’t be in place until the next update, at which time we plan on awarding these medals again for players that missed out this time.

Army Executive General MedalLegion General Medal ArmyArmy Grand General MedalGeneral High Comand Rank Medal

If you did not receive a new Medal during this update because your highest score was achieved before October last year, then just hold on for another month. If you did not receive a new Rank Medal because your score was never high enough, then go back and fight harder!ย Check out all war medals available at Major Command Risk game:ย Wiki list of rank medals and achievements.

Important Upgrade To The Game

There is one more thing to add. Because there will be some major code restructuring this time, there is a HIGHER THAN NORMAL chance that something will BREAK when we go back online, or shortly thereafter. But Marcos will be watching carefully and will repair problems as they occur. So just be aware of this when you wake up and something doesn’t work, we’re on it. Fingers crossed everything will go smoothly, but it’s impossible to tell!

Wish up luck!
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10 thoughts on “Major Game Upgrade, More Medals – March (Milestone 6)”

    • Yes. I am told that this should improve responsiveness and performance. I am not sure in which aspects of the game/site it will be noticed the most. Whether it will be in simple loading of pages, or in the game play, or somewhere else. And I am not sure if everyone will notice it, but as far as I know, this will significantly reduce the number of queries to the database and it will cache a lot of the common files for much faster access. That can only be a good thing, and it should result in a performance improvement somewhere on the site. We’ll just have to wait and see where it is improved the most!

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