“500 Games”
by Redstorm
(Major Command Risk Game Player and Blog Contributor)
Approaching my 500th game on MAJORCOMMAND.COM there are a few things I would like to share. First would be “WOW, what a great site to play live or at least semi-live risk like games with new friends from the world over who, as a whole, enjoy the games and site as much as I do. I find myself hopelessly addicted and actually will check for my turns throughout the day. I’m quite sure I’m not the only one. The maps are the first rate, game options are plentiful and varied, several different options exist for the number of game players, etc.
As a newer player, I find the most difficult thing for me is to learn, mostly the hard way, the myriad of strategies to be successful in these games. No one strategy will work across the board with all the different options and maps. I’ve found the best way to get the knowledge is through team games such as doubles and to simply ask the more experienced players. I’ve yet to encounter one who didn’t eagerly pass along their experiences and opinions. Even more difficult than learning the strategies is to internalize them and remember to use them in the heat of battle. I still am guilty of attacking too aggressively only to find myself eliminated because I didn’t secure my gains properly.
Oh, those damn dice! I’ve read all the discussions and wiki notes but like a lot of players, I think there is something imbalanced about the random dice. Maybe it’s just human nature but too many times I have been doing quite well rolling once in assault mode then try to finish it with the blitz mode only to lose heavily. Meh, the bottom line is that we all have to deal with the dice so it evens out I suppose in the long run.
Real-time (RT) versus casual games. RT games are a whole different environment and too often I think newer players start there and get discouraged then leave the site. I’ve heard it referred to as “the wild west” but I think it is more like a shark pit. This is where you can find some of the less honorable players preying on the unsuspecting player. A favorite tactic is to open a 4 player game with one or two players then when the unsuspecting ‘victim’ joins the game another shark will enter to close the game. Usually one goes AWOL and the other two attack the newer player. It’s never a fair game from the beginning. My best advice to newer players is to always check the profiles of all the players in any game you want to join. The honor and diplomatic rating is a dead giveaway with very few exceptions. Thankfully the fair and honorable players far outnumber these few brigands. The good news is that you will never hardly see that happening in casual games so I would recommend those for the newer player.
by Redstorm
Brigands, Scalawags, Rascals gaming has its share (Board, Tabletop etc) but you soon learn who is who and most of the wronguns’ move on. A lot of good people on this site so jump on in the water is fine (just keep a weather eye out for dorsal fins)…..
I agree with you on the Live games…its a shame as I like to play a “live”game but like you I have been bitten many times by the exact tactic you mention which then leaves a sour taste in the mouth and Im now considered I suppose an Old hand here….nice to hear your thoughts though….and yes I too check my position on a very regular basis.
I agree great site here. And great initiative putting the players making a blog post by month… being really good viewing this.
About the RTS it kind makes the game feel more on the table because we see all the game at once. Tks for another good blog post.
Are you guys talking about Playing with others “Narnia”? If so, how do you get invited to play! Looks like a really cool map.
You are a welcome addition to the MajCom family, Red. I echo many of your thoughts.
Thanks for the essay. You seem pretty damn good at the strategies when you play against me! I’m always happier when you end up on my team.
It must be because I take care of partners before I would take care of myself. I would throw myself on a grenade instead of seeing my partners dying! Depending upon who has more troops, obviously? π I like playing with the big dogs, if only for a game! I seem to do good, if only I could keep playing with you guys for more than a few games!
Another way to avoid those sharks is to play only two players games. That’s what I’m doing now. At least until I get out of Kitchen Patrol and achieve a decent rank. ‘If’.
“If” you do get out of the kitchen and then you will go back into the fire?
But I will see if there is improvement in my skills required to play with the “big dogs”! π