Game Updates for 2017
Now that we can update the website without going offline, we’ve decided to compile a list of game updates so you can follow the progress. Keep checking back because this page will be constantly updated!
PROBLEMS? As always, if you experience any problems after an update, please REPORT THE PROBLEM IN THE FORUM!
March 20 2017
(1) Diplomatic Agreements Filter
– We are now implementing another new game feature to help with all those Diplomatic Agreements! This feature was written by one of our players, gfunk74. Now you can filter Diplomatic Agreements to see which agreements are still active, and filter to see only which agreements are just yours. A great idea. Thanks gfunk74!
(2) Mesopotamia Game Medals!
No need for introduction here: 😉

March 05 2017
(1) Tournament Games Under Awaiting Tab
– Finally! For all you Tournament players out there, you can now check to see the progress of your Tournament Games under the Awaiting Tab. You’ll be able to see Tournaments you’ve joined that have not started, and Tournaments in which you are waiting for the 2nd or 3rd round to start. No more forgetting about these games, or scrolling through the Tournament section (which you are still free to do if you want!)

And there is an Expanded View when you click on it.

February 20 2017
– We’ve got a great new feature to help with Team Games. Now you can see if it is your Teammate’s Turn straight from your Active Games Tab!
– And to double up with buttons, you can now also see if you have gone AWOL in a game for some reason.
Have fun!
February 8 2017
– Fixed the “Disappearing” Displayed Medals Issue. When a player receives a new medal, it replaces a displayed medal on their Profile page. However, the replaced medal does not show up in the background until the players actively deselects it from their medal selection box. This will fix that issue, however, in order to do so, every player will have their displayed medals reset to the default display. This will only happen ONCE when the fix is installed today. Afterwards, all players can choose their favorite medals again to be displayed without issue from the setting page.
– With the help of players in the Forum, We have created a 14Â language Popup Agreement for Users who are creating a new account. Or for players who are creating a SECOND account!

– And a few minor fixes and more improvements to the new game engine.
January 16 2017
– 14 different bug fixes and improvements to the website that include better email verification and protection from spam users.
– We have made major steps forward with out new game engine and are nearly ready for Beta testing.
January 9 2017
– We have a New Stats Page!
– Avatars will be given to players who do not upload their own Avatars. They will look something like this:
– The Medals Displayed on your Profile Page are now grouped together.
– The Medals Display Box in the Setting Page is now sorted alphabetically.
– The Most Decorated section on the Scoreboard now contains a row with the actual Medal count.
Thank you!
Awesome work again guys. well done.
New medals please :):) mesopotamia, fixed, realtime. tourney medals … 🙂 awesome work folks!
ooops I am a pizza!
I saw the change this morning & love it! The new team turn, awol – not that I’d ever see that! 😉 and the Gfunk Coolness Code are really excellent upgrades to the site – thank you!!
And thank you Gfunk!!
oh! great work guys! and thanks for the credits! 🙂
Great work to make the site even more user-friendly!
Just a small questions: Is it normal I see the tabs “Beta” and “Admin” and I do not have access on it? Would maybe be better to show those tabs only for players that have access to it.
Ooops. That was a mistake! Is it fixed now?
Yes it is!
Sorry, for my late reply.
There’s a little typo on the Feb 8 update: It should be “Deutsch” rather than “Deutsche” 🙂
I also believe it should be “Português” but I’m not sure about that since I don’t speak Portuguese.
Yes, that was fixed in the LIVE version. It’s an old screenshot that hasn’t been changed. Thanks!
You’re right about the second part. However, it still says Deutsche, I’ve just checked.
Tourneys on the awaiting tab! That is awesome…
Love the change to the diplo tab. Great addition! Thanks.