In celebration of the Holidays, we are having a Major Command Medals Extravaganza!

We have 4 new Mercenary Medals

The “winner” of the game will get credit for the game win, the standard UDOs for the Game Map, and a Mercenary UDO for each Player they eliminated, which is not necessarily more than one, only for the number of Players they eliminate.
And 6 New Victory Medals!

Victory Medals will be awarded based on the number of Games you win.
I = 1 Game Won
V = 5 Games Won
X = 10 Games Won
L = 50 Games Won
C = 100 Games Won
D = 500 Games Won
M = 1000 Games Won
awesome !! I love medals !!
IM already loving the mercs ones overall the onix one with blood on it!
Good job ! When are they gonna be handed out ?
We’ll be going off-line briefly sometime next week in order to assign the Medals. The exact time will be announced soon!
Good job, make that great job.
Looks good
I am excited! Keep up the good work!
hi, is there a way to surrender, in real time games if i know i will lose i hate to just leave and make the other guys wait 5 minutes, i know it will awol me evntually but thought a surrender button would be nice
We do not have a surrender button yet, but it is on our list of things to do. It would be a good feature.
Meanwhile you can always start and end your turn right away to make it faster.
Good luck!