It’s been a while since we posted an update on the state of the website development, but that doesn’t mean things aren’t happening! So read on to find out what we’re up to…
There are two things we are working on:
1) The new game engine
2) An Android app
We’re making an Android App! But before you get too excited, please realize that the Major Command Risk Game is not a game you can play with ease on a mobile device. The user experience with the maps just won’t translate well on a small screen. It will most likely always remain a desktop, or tablet game…
So having said that, the Android app will be a companion to the desktop game. It will basically be a turn notification companion tool as well as a link and eventually some other useful stuff. Currently you will be able to receive turn notifications, new messages notifications, and have links directly to the blog and forum from your phone or tablet. This should make checking up on turns a slightly easier process. And if things go well, we may even add a few more functions.
A big thanks should go out to 5battalions who single handedly created the entire Major Command Android app!!
We’ve been testing the new game engine for a while now, and the basic gameplay is smooth as silk! So far we have 70+ players who have invited to test the game engine, not all have joined, but the ones that have accepted the challenge have been providing excellent feedback in the forum. More players will be invited to test the new rules as we roll out the remaining game maps and features.
So far we have deployed and tested the following maps:
- Classic Antiquus
- Classic Evolved
- Classic Massive
- North America
- South America
- British Isles
- Duck & Cover
- Classic Mini
- Cold War Europe
- Philippines
And we have created and tested the following game rules:
- Bombardments
- Command + Region(s)
- Minimum Auto-Reset
- Starting Neutrals
We still need to create and deploy the following Map Rules:
- One-Way Assaults
- Conditional Auto-Deploy
- Flex Commands
- Killer Neutrals
- Starting Positions
And then we will deploy the following maps once their corresponding rules are implemented…
Mexican American War (One-Way Assaults)
Europe Massive (Conditional Auto-Deploy)
Rivals of Rome (Conditional Auto-Deploy)
Forgotten Kingdom (Conditional Auto-Deploy)
Conflict Africa (One-Way Assaults, Conditional Auto-Deploy)
Mars (Conditional Auto-Deploy)
Middle East (Flex Commands)
Balkan Peninsula (Flex Commands)
Australia (Flex Commands)
Far East Asia (Flex Commands)
Sea of Japan (Killer Neutrals)
Nukes (Conditional Auto-Deploy, Killer Neutrals)
1984 (One-Way Assaults, Conditional Auto-Deploy, Killer Neutrals)
12 Domains (Conditional Auto-Deploy, Killer Neutrals, Starting Positions)
Land Rush (Conditional Auto-Deploy, Killer Neutrals, Starting Positions)
And if you are wondering what the hell is “Land Rush”? Well, it’s our newest Risk game map, and it’s MASSIVE! In fact, it is soooooo big, that the current game engine can not handle it, so it will only be released once the new game engine is complete and deployed.
Here is a sneak peek at the new Risk game Map!
Remember to give a big thanks to 5battalions for his great work on the Android app, and is you are on the Donors list, stay tuned because you turn to Beta test will be coming very shortly.
Great news and great work. Everything looks really positive, love the idea of the app, even if it’s just for turn notifications, that is a big step in itself. Well done 5battalions and thanks for your efforts. Clearly a big thanks also to Sheriff for the ongoing hard work as usual. I’m looking forward to seeing and using all the rollouts when the happen. Don’t keep us waiting too long ; )
Great work everyone…..Thanks! Looking forward to the new map for sure 🙂
very nice. way to go 5battalions. tks very much to all who do the grunt work.
Great work, and as a lucky person who got to play on Land Rush, I. an say it is awesome. It completely changes the tactics and strategies from most of the other maps and it is probably the most line a real battle, in terms of having front lines and big areas to cross and control.
Regarding mobile apps, I play almost all my turns on a small iPhone using Puffin browser for the old engine and Chrome for the new. It’s not perfect, but works pretty well and lets me take turns anywhere.
I already play on my mobile when I am traveling. APP will be great
I love all of you who make this site possible
Makes me smile. Great work. Thanks
Great job guys, makes me very happy.
Thanks everyone for the kind words about the android app it’s really a thing that i’m enjoying alot doing… Very thankful to sheriff to give me that trust..
Many many thanks.
‘Very thankful to sheriff for giving me that trust’